Thursday, February 11, 2016

Power; An Apple with Two Faces

  1. Pluralism concentrate their attention not upon the sources of power ,but its exercise. Power to them means "participation in decision making and can be analyzed only after careful examination of a series of concrete decisions". (Two Faces of Power by Peter Bacharad, and Morton S.Brantz). 

  • From my especially significant point of view the fact that pluralist do not concentrate their attention on the sources of power ,but it's exercise,means that power is more than just a bunch of people running a country ,city or state.When it comes to the use of the sources of power governments  tend to influence society's decision making process depending upon their interests.In my opinion pluralists focused in the exercise of the sources of power because they believe that the sources of power may not impact society's opinion but it's exercise could.

  • This paragraph represents for me that power truly has two face. For instance power seems to be concentrated only in it's sources rather than in how these sources are exercise.The main reason of why i choose this passage is because society tend to believe that,who has power is always who has more sources of power,however after reading i realized that who has power is who exercises the sources of power in the correct way independently on how strong the source maybe.

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